Blue Widget Acid Plant


This training module was developed to teach complex procedures to new and existing staff at a plant dealing with hazardous chemicals. The procedures were taught by utilising three fundamental stages: Show, Interact, and Assess. Trainees were first shown the correct procedure, then were allowed to interact with the virtual scene to practise the procedure, and finally were assessed on what they had learnt.

Visual animations, combined with an accurate and immersive 3D representation of the real site allowed trainees to familiarise themselves with the procedure and site before being physically inducted.

The plant’s lead operator was very impressed, as users of the training who had never been on site before knew where they were going and where equipment was located.

The company was able to reduce its training time from 3 days per trainee to just 1.

One employee enjoyed the module so much that he wanted to take it home to let his son play it, and learn about where his dad worked.


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